A Quick Guide to Writing Anger
It’s the hot-blooded, ever-challenging, angry character that often steals a scene and captivates readers’ hearts. From the brooding protagonist to the volatile villain, anger introduces a heightened element of emotive dynamism. Anger is a powerful emotion that can define a character’s behaviour, interactions, body language, and attitude.
How Do They Behave?
- Make impulsive decisions
- Have a short fuse and react explosively
- Hold grudges
- Be physically aggressive
- Be motivated by revenge
- Exhibit self-destructive tendencies
- Speak at an increased volume
- Speak unexpectedly fast or slow

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How Do They Interact?
- Have issues with authority
- Struggle to follow orders or instructions
- Confrontational or verbally abusive
- Overuse of swear words or insults
- Struggle to focus or listen to others
- Dominate conversations and interrupt often
- Become isolationist
- Short-tempered and accusatory
Describe Their Body Language
- Clenched fists and tight jaw
- Rigid and defensive posture
- Maintained eye contact
- Pacing or fidgeting
- Aggressive movements
- Increased muscle tension
- Point and jab when speaking
- Invade others’ personal space
Describe Their Attitude
- A sense of dissatisfaction and frustration
- Overly sceptical and distrustful of others
- Impatient and easily annoyed
- Confrontational and arrogant
- Feelings of powerlessness
- Motivated by vengeance or justice
- Hostile and irritable
- Blunt, direct, and stubborn
- A lack of empathy
Positive Outcomes
- Be a motivator for change
- Inspire others with their passion for justice
- Can be a motivator for personal growth
- Learn to articulate their needs and set boundaries
- Develop resilience and strength by managing their anger
- Increased assertiveness
- Experience catharsis and emotional release
- Improved problem-solving skills
Negative Outcomes
- Damaging to their relationship with others
- Can lead to chronic stress or health issues
- Become isolated, leading to loneliness and depression
- Develop a reputation for being difficult or aggressive
- Can cause legal troubles or social rejection
- Lower self-esteem and sense of self-worth
- Become violent or cause physical harm
- Exhibit impaired judgement or decision-making
Useful synonyms
- Furious
- Enraged
- Wrathful
- Incensed
- Infuriated
- Livid
- Raging
- Fuming
- Irate
- Outraged
- Vexed
- Irritated
- Resentful
- Indignant
- Seething
- Mad
- Hostile
- Incensed
- Cross
- Huffy